I found surprising while investigating this point in preparation for
writing my blog, is that the significant figures includes not only the
digits of certainty, but the first digit of uncertainty as well - I
would have expected that the significant figures would represent only
that which science is certain of, but I was wrong, and it's actually a
cool point to consider, because it implies that the uncertainty is as
significant as the certainty.
In physics, as in life, we find ourselves having to make estimations in
order to get an approximation as a general view of the situation, we
might not have all the accurate details, we actually never do - thus,
everything in physics is only accurate up to a degree of error, this
degree of error can be anywhere from small to big where as in every
situation we will demand or compromise on a different degree of accuracy
/ error. Read more
Day 11 - Fundamentals of Physics - 1.5 - Conversion of Units
The same goes for the mind, as we waste resources to indulge in useless systems of the mind, as memories / beliefs / ideas / interpretations, instead of uniting to one system that will be agreed upon, such as the physical reality which we all exist within / as and share equally. Where, once realized that the common system we share for communication is the physical reality, we can perfect our communication and thus relationships to be the most effective and accurate. Read more
What I am going to discuss is a point that we can derive from this
regarding equations in general, as it is now clear that both sides of
any equation must have the same dimensions to it, what this means is
that the input will be equal to the output, in other words, the starting
point of ones actions for example, will have the same dimensions as the
outflow and consequences of ones actions - As within so without, as
above so below. Whatever I put into one end of the equation will have to
manifest something of the same dimension as the result on the other end
of the equation. Read more
Day 9 - Fundamentals of Physics - 1.3 - Density
Now, back to density, it has been found that every atom has a different
amount of particles, but one could assume that the more particles the bigger the
atom, and thus the density would remain constant for all substances, but it has
been found that the size of the atom is not in direct relation to the amount of
particles, thus you have atoms that have more particles but are smaller in size
than atom with less particles, as well as the distance between the atoms, as
they "hold on to each other", is not constant as within each substance the
connections and interactions are different - this thus brings us to the obvious
conclusion that each atom mast have a different density of particles within it,
as well as, as we've shown above, each substance has a different density.
How can we now take this information, as the principle of density, as a unique property of the different expressions of substance, into application of our process of understanding ourselves and the reality around us in a more profound and insightful way? Read More
Today I will discuss the atom. The atoms have been referred to by scientist as the basic building blocs of matter.
The concept came about through a philosophical question regarding whether or not matter could be divided again and again into infinity and maintain it's original properties, this question dates back to ancient India and Greece, over one thousand years ago, where they have concluded that there must be a basic particle / structure that matter consists of and that cannot be divided. The term Atom comes from the Greek word átomos, which means indivisible, "uncuttable" or "the smallest indivisible particle of matter", this term was coined by the Greek philosopher Democritus, the student of Leucippus in approximately 450 BCE. Read More
How can we now take this information, as the principle of density, as a unique property of the different expressions of substance, into application of our process of understanding ourselves and the reality around us in a more profound and insightful way? Read More
The concept came about through a philosophical question regarding whether or not matter could be divided again and again into infinity and maintain it's original properties, this question dates back to ancient India and Greece, over one thousand years ago, where they have concluded that there must be a basic particle / structure that matter consists of and that cannot be divided. The term Atom comes from the Greek word átomos, which means indivisible, "uncuttable" or "the smallest indivisible particle of matter", this term was coined by the Greek philosopher Democritus, the student of Leucippus in approximately 450 BCE. Read More
Day 7 - Fundamentals of Physics - 1.1 - Standardized Quantities
The three basic quantities in Mechanics are length [L], mass [M], and
time [T], while all other quantities in mechanics can be expressed in
terms of these three. For instance, as has been shown in previous
blogs, velocity is defined by how much length a body moves in a period
of time, thus it would be expressed by length divided to time, thus
[L]/[T], volume is three dimensions of length as height times width
times depths, thus will be expressed by [L]^3, acceleration is the
change in velocity through time and thus will be expressed as velocity
divided by time which will give us [L]/[T]^2, and force as we've seen is
mass times acceleration F=ma, thus force will be expressed as
[M][L]/[T]^2. Read More
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