Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 6 - Physics and the Desteni Process - Newton's Second Law of Motion - Forces

This blog is a part of a blog series “physics and the Desteni Process”
Day 1 - Physics and the Desteni Process - Introduction
Day 2 - Physics and the Desteni Process – Newton's First Law of Motion - the Principle of Inertia
Day 3 - Physics and the Desteni Process - Newton's Third Law of Motion - Equal Force
Day 4 - Physics and the Desteni Process - Newton's Second Law of Motion
Day 5 - Physics and the Desteni Process - Scientific Paradigm

I have been discussing forces in the past few blogs, and I realized that I haven't yet defined what is force sufficiently. a force is some form of an influence, as impact within the interaction of two or more masses that causes any form of change to take place - though a force can be emitted without any apparent change taking place and that would mean that the force wasn't effective, maybe not strong enough to over come inertia or other forces in play, or was not pushing in the "right" direction - Newton's definition of force is that which causes a mass to create a specific change as acceleration - this definition relates to another concept in physics - "work", where a force is said to be doing "work" when it results in the movement of the mass in the direction of the force, in a way, work is defined through the "success" of the force to "do it's job" as to influence the mass within movement (I will expand more on work in a separate blog to come) - so what is force?
As I see it, regardless the outcome of the interaction, in any interaction, in any point of contact, in any form of communication - exists force. I've been trying to look at it from the perspective of cause and effect, but due to all masses being subject to forces, and all forces being subject to other external forces, I found myself lost in infinity - as I was investigating the point I came to realize that the force is both the cause and the effect, the starting point and the consequence, of every interaction and every relationship, which is actually everything - because everything exists within relationships and interactions - any interaction would be caused by a force, and will result in a force, so reality is swirling from a force to an interaction, to a force to an interaction into infinity.
clip_image001To make what I'm saying more clear, imagine a time-line shaped like a spring as the image, now imagine that every loop in the spring is isolated, so it would now look like we have many isolated rings - this is what we do in physics as we define a "closed system", as if it is in a way separated from the rest of existence, and investigate it as an isolated system, as an isolated ring, we isolate the experiment to any external forces, or take into consideration some external forces such as gravity and include it to the system, but we do this within the assumption that systems can be isolated - this is another hidden assumption made by the scientific community, that I for one have never really questioned before, but if you look at it, it cannot be taken for granted that systems can be isolated, because everything in existence is inter-connected, so any attempt to isolate a system is already distancing itself from the actuality of that which is here, as all in existence interact with everything else, thus nothing can really be isolated.
In each isolated ring the scientists can cause a force as a cause and then investigate it's effect on the isolated/closed system and masses within it. But when we re-connect the rings to return to their initial form of a spring we will see what I have stated above – Have a look, you can start with placing a force at any point on the spring, the force through interaction will effect the mass into acceleration, or will influence it in some form, and as the result of the interaction, at the end of the loop, we will have another force, that then begins a new loop, and so on and so forth.
To explain the point further let's go back to Newton's second law of motion F=ma – I will give an example, within this example I will define the mass, the force and the acceleration specifically. Which brings up another point to consider, in which physics had defined mass as basically passive and a very simplistic and constant property, here I will open up further the definition of mass within considering more properties it might have.
Lets have a look at mass media, as a form of interaction that comes from one source and reaches the masses (have you ever noticed that many people are called masses? An interesting use of words) - the media is exerting force onto us as it influences us through our interaction with it, lets' investigate the equation - the mass would be the information, the acceleration is the application of this information by the media as new articles or any platform the media uses to move its' mass, and thus accelerate the information, in turn it creates a force as we are influenced by it to believe certain things, to go out and protest, to feel in a certain way, and you can consider the accumulated amount of force the media is exerting in order to influence so many points of mass, as the masses - through our interaction with the media we are forced, not by our directive principle, to move, we don't know why or how the force of the media influenced us, yet we are influenced, and then as we take our interpretation of the information, and make it into another point of mass, and accelerate it through our application - if we read something that we interpret as offensive we will write a comment to the editor, or if we saw a sale on a product we like, we will buy it on the next run to the mall, or even initiate an un planed run to the mall - we were influenced by the force created by our interaction with the media, to create a mass of our own as interpretation which now hold an energetic experience to it that we didn't ask for, thus we didn't direct it as ourselves - we were forced into it, and we act on it as we accelerate it within our application and give it motion, thus, through this we create a force as the outflow of our actions, as the influence our actions will have on reality.
In this example I walked through two connected rings - the media as a force exerted on the masses, influences the masses through acceleration it's own mass as information, and then as a result, we create a point of mass as our interpretation and reaction to the forces exerted upon us by the media, and accelerate the mass through our actions which creates another point of interaction and thus force and so on - in order to investigate the entire spring and not just look at the isolated rings, we must investigate what are the forces that were exerted on the media to set it's mass into action, and then go back to the forces that were exerted on those forces and so on…
Information is one property of mass, another property would be for instance memories, as we accumulate memories as mass and then as we apply these memories into action we create a force. A simple every day example exists in all our relationships, as we hold on to memories of scenarios that happened in the past within our relationship to another, we put the memory into acceleration when we tap into it and direct ourselves according to it – if i have a memory of my boyfriend cheating on me, every time i will tap into that memory i will feel betrayed and act on my feelings, thus accelerate the memory through my application.
Through the spring analogy it's actually interesting to see that as we live our lives accumulating memories and putting them into action as acceleration, the force we are exerting will be equal to the starting point - and thus we create the same experiences over and over and thus accumulate more of the same memories to justify to ourselves that we were right to believe and hold on to that memory as saying to ourselves "here, it happened again", not realizing that through holding on to the memory as the mass of ourselves, we accelerate the memories through applying them, participating with them, and believing them to be valid and true, and thus we create a force that is equal to them, and thus repeat the experience over and over.
An interesting point within the law of equality, as the natural law, is that the outcome will always reflect the starting point, and since we are walking our existence on an endless spring, we are, in every moment, living the consequences of the forces that were exerted upon us, and we as a result continue with the same line of force. What this means is that we don't really have to go back in time and actually know all the details of the forces that were in play for us to have reached this point, because the spring will keep repeating itself - it would thus be sufficient to investigate all that is here at this moment, within self honesty, in order to come to the conclusion of the "type" of forces that were in play, through investigating what exists within and as our reality we can conclude the "type" forces exerted over and over – were these forces aligned with the natural force, the law of balance that allows life to exist, or where they aligned with the forces of self interest as the forces that disregard life as all that is here.
We have been looking at the force as the starting point, as the source. I suggest investigating the possibility that the force exerted will be dependent of the property of the mass - I have defined the mass thus far as energy, information and memory - mass from this perspective is any form of substance, a substance can be an idea, a belief, a memory, knowledge, an energetic reaction, anything we hold onto as "emotional baggage" - while the property of the mass indicated who we are, as what we are equal to and one with through our participation - we can conclude that if we believe we are applying ourselves as mass into acceleration and do not have an impact or do not influence reality in the way we intended - we must revisit our starting point within investigating the property of ourselves as the mass, as our force is proven to be ineffective - at this point we can push harder and harder but without considering what it is that we are pushing, as the mass, as who we are, we might never resolve the problem and reach the desired solution. If the force that we are exerting is causing conflict and friction in our world and our reality, we must consider that the property of our mass, as who we are, is not aligned with the forces of nature, and thus we must change ourselves to become one with nature as all that is here, to correct our mass to have the properties of life, as the properties of equality, and within such properties we will be aligned with the forces of balance, as the force of nature, and will thus apply ourselves as acceleration into a direction that is best for all life.
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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day 5 - Physics and the Desteni Process - Scientific Paradigm

This blog is a part of a blog series “physics and the Desteni Process”
Day 1 - Physics and the Desteni Process - Introduction
Day 2 - Physics and the Desteni Process – Newton's First Law of Motion - the Principle of Inertia
Day 3 - Physics and the Desteni Process - Newton's Third Law of Motion - Equal Force
Day 4 - Physics and the Desteni Process - Newton's Second Law of Motion

Yesterday, in my blog, I walked an argument, step by step, in common sense, and showed, that the scientific notion, that mass is passively subject to forces around it, indicates that there is a higher power, a law of nature, a god, an external force that is directing existence - but immediately I disregarded it because it doesn't coincide with my belief system as I have never believed there is a god, so how can I allow myself to prove it's existence?
I realize that what I have done is in alignment with how science has always allowed itself to be, as scientists could only ever prove that which is in alignment with their belief system, instead of looking at the facts as the physical evidence and not influence the experiment with ideas and beliefs . Thomas Kuhn, described this phenomena in "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions", he explains that we have always existed within a dominant Paradigm, an agreed and accepted model of reality, accepted through being proven by experiments, but it's not just that we are confined to the realm of knowledge that we have been able to discover through valid experimentation, Kuhn explains that the Paradigm itself, as the model we use to view reality by, has been based and constructed on preconceptions which embody hidden assumptions and elements which cannot be directly seen. And thus he shows that science has always been confined to the limitation of the accepted preconceptions, yet had been presented through the experiments it held, making it seem valid as the ultimate truth, more than it actually ever was, not revealing the hidden assumptions that the whole pile of cards was standing on.
It was fascinating because I saw myself do it as I was doing it. I actually surprised myself with the common sense line of reason I was going by but then I allowed myself to react to the conclusion I ended up with - I allowed myself to follow my reaction, as I allowed the force of the reaction to direct me, as I allowed myself to be subject to external forces instead of remaining here, as directive principle, stable within awareness and simply continue to follow the equation in common sense.
The following part is extracted from my previous blog, I have highlighted the points I recognize as the points of reaction, as well as the points of self conflict as I'm not in alignment with myself because I was writing out of fear, trying to hide what I had just found and only show what I wanted to show to begin with, in a way I mock my own findings instead of allowing myself to investigate them purely, as a true scientist:

“The idea that mass is a passive object creates a paradox that can be solved either through the acceptance of a god almighty or some other external mystery force that is the sole director of this reality, or by accepting the idea that the mass is it's own directive principle and that everything in reality is self responsible…”
here I don’t allow myself to see that the two points can, and do, exist simultaneously, and don’t contradict each other as I initially feared, as I clearly show later in the post, we are in fact subject to external forces, so there is no point in denying it, nor placing value or judgment over it – it simply is what is here.
“As far as I see it there are three options, 1) there is a god that is directing everything, and making us do the scientific experiments that we do, and is in fact the directive principle and the sole responsible for all that is here - I see this as a great way to bale out of taking responsibility”
here again I am trapped in the notion that the option that there is a god must be debunked and thus i do not see that the two conclusions that did not have a simplistic common sense argument against them, must be equally investigated and might be equally valid, as they seam to be now, when looking at it with fresh eyes. but see here how instead of giving a valid argument i mock the idea, and continue on as if it was valid.
“or 3) everything has awareness, equally, but we have all abdicated our responsibility of ourselves and of reality as existence as a whole, thus we must self realize, we must find ourselves within ourselves within the physical as the physical - this is in essence the desteni process, a process of self empowerment so that we can be more than who we have accepted ourselves to be as enslaved to mysterious forces that are directing us”
here I can’t escape the point that I so wanted to disregard, though I am not aware that I’m using the argument that i was trying to push away.
“but rather investigate ourselves within the starting point of self honesty and realize that we are ourselves, and thus can realize ourselves as who we are, what we do, why we do it, so that within realizing this, we can become self aware and equalize ourselves to the forces that are as of yet exerted at us, and direct them as our own force, then all in existence can do the same equally, because we are all connected within the interactions that we exist in.”
here I am again, using the fact that there are forces exerted at us at the base of my argument, yet not allowing myself to admit it…
I am grateful this had happened, and I ask you to read this series of blogs using critical reasoning, question what I am saying, investigate for yourself, take responsibility for the information you are reading, not only here, but everywhere, and realize that I am learning this with you as i am walking this, so if you have any questions or clarifications, please write me a comment so that i can further investigate the point and clear it for both you and myself.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to allow my belief system to interfere and direct me instead of walking the common sense step by step and within self trust allowing myself to come to a conclusion that isn't based or tainted by my preconceptions but is a result of the step by step process of common sense that I have walked.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to react to the conclusion I came to as "there must be a higher power directing us" instead of allowing myself to remain stable and continue my investigation and trust myself within common sense that whatever I find is valid to be investigated and looked at, and not to be overlooked and brushed away out of fear.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear that the conclusions I come to won't coincide with the point I am trying to make, that I will find a contradiction between the laws of physics and the desteni message, which up to now have proven to be aligned and thus I fear them not being, within this I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to trust myself that I will be able to overcome any contradiction through common sense within realizing the actual law that govern reality as equality and oneness, which is the solution to be realized in order to bring about a reality that is best for all, thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to doubt the basic law of reality as equality and oneness and within allowing myself to doubt within fear, I have allowed myself to alter the conclusions and thus compromising the research, instead of realizing that if equality and oneness is actually the law of reality, there would be no contradictions, and thus with further investigation I will find a way to walk the point step by step in common sense, thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be directed by fear, fear which would be the cause for me to not find the specific steps but instead to jump over and skip, as the mind does, and thus to harm/compromise the research I am holding, thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be directed by my fears, not realizing the consequences of such actions as not having a valid research and thus compromising myself and the group of humanity as a whole.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to hold on to the desteni massage as a belief, instead of letting go the belief within self trust that whatever is here - is here, and thus if I find a contradiction instead of going into fear I go into further investigation to through investigating within self honesty to trust myself that what I find is valid, within realizing that if a point is walked in specificity and common sense without reaction as holding on to beliefs, within self honesty and consideration of that which is here as the physical reality - it will always be aligned with the forces of nature as what is here, aligned with the law of reality and thus, within self trust, within consistent and uncompromising investigation, I am sure to find what is here, what has always been here, as the truth of reality
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to allow my beliefs to influence myself and direct me, to then, within the reaction to the conclusion that I had come to, try and manipulate the information to say what I initially wanted to say, and thus have participated in presenting bias information as not presenting the simple facts within common sense step by step, but have allowed myself to alter the conclusions to fit my belief system within the self interest of not wanting my belief system to be compromised within not wanting myself to change within allowing the force of inertia, the resistance to change, to be greater and more powerful than me, instead of remaining here, within and as breath, as the directive principle of/as myself within self trust, and walk within/as breath, step by step.
I pause for a moment and investigate this statement "equality and oneness is the law that govern reality" - I investigate it to make sure I am not falling right back into a form of belief, but can prove this to myself within common sense, step by step - this law is actually very simplistic, what it means is that the cause will always be equal to the effect, the starting point will always be equal to the outflow, and the one cannot exist without the other, thus they are one, the same as any point of polarity that can only exist with the other side of the polarity existing equally, thus they both co-exist as one, and for balance to maintain they must be equal - and this is all is going on in this one reality, this one universe that we all share and co-exist, there is nothing in the universe that can be taken out of the equation in separation.
I commit myself to slow myself down within this investigation, and to not allow myself to alter the conclusions to fit my belief system, within this I commit myself to investigate the points until I am satisfied that all steps are aligned in common sense, as I realize that skipping steps and jumping to conclusions is a property of the mind, as the mind doesn't walk in a breath by breath movement, skipping steps is not aligned with physical forces as the forces of nature, as reality, within realizing that the physical, as the force of nature, as god, as the law that dictate all that is here, does not skip steps but follows the law of nature which is itself, and thus within common sense I realize that I can brake anything down and show all the steps of common sense in the equation and not be dependent on the mind and my belief system because I know all the answers and all the steps are here and thus can be exposed and discovered, if only I don't alter and manipulate the physical evidence to suit me in self interest.
I commit myself to if I see myself reacting to a point that I have reached through common sense, to investigate what am I holding on to, what set of beliefs I am not willing to let go, I commit myself to investigate the definition I have given god for example, in order to expand myself and allow myself to define whatever it is in alignment with what is here as the principle of equality and oneness, thus redefine if necessary in order to remain aligned with what is here as the physical, and the basic laws of nature.


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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 4 - Physics and the Desteni Process - Newton's Second Law of Motion

This blog is a part of a blog series “physics and the Desteni Process”
Day 1 - Physics and the Desteni Process - Introduction
Day 2 - Physics and the Desteni Process – Newton's First Law of Motion - the Principle of Inertia
Day 3 - Physics and the Desteni Process - Newton's Third Law of Motion - Equal Force
In my previous blog I discussed the point of forces within an interaction of two or more objects, the point of equal forces that has been discussed remain true for every relationship and within every interaction, but as I've mentioned in my previous blog, the scientific community has agreed to discuss the forces being emitted upon an object when discussing it's motion and not the forces it is emitting and thus responsible for, initially I thought I could align myself with the scientific agreement, but as I go into the depth of the points I see more and more how deceptive and misleading the scientific perspective is, and thus I will show the physics part through the eyes of the mainstream physics, and for the sake of my arguments I will show the interactions from the point of view of the mass, as the forces the mass is emitting and thus responsible for.
Still looking at forces, today I will investigate Newton's second law of motion - out of the three, this is the most discussed law when it come to the schooling system, as it shows the relationship between force and change in motion as acceleration, it follows the first law that discusses the resistance to change -Newton's second law completes it with explaining what is necessary for change in motion to take place, thus force.
Let's have a look at how forces come into this equation, as we know and see all around us that things do move around and change their velocity despite their inherent force of inertia which is the resistance to change, same as we know that we have changed within ourselves through out our lives despite the resistance to change, so let's figure out how this change happens, and what is this force.
the second law of motion exhibits the relationship between force and the change in momentum, which is the change in velocity and mass of an object over time - within motion, for an object to change it's velocity, whether direction or speed, a force must be acting upon it, Newton discovered that the force necessary to change an objects velocity is equal to the change of the body's momentum in time.
Momentum (p) is a property of a body that has a mass (m) and is moving in a velocity (v) - thus p=mv
Just a small mathematical explanation before I continue regarding derivatives that are soon to come - a derivative will look something like this: d@/dt, but instead of the @ figure there would be a parameter that is dependent in time and thus changes in time. a familiar derivative you can probably all relate to is velocity, as we know it refers to miles per hour, or generally speaking, it expresses the distance a body will move in a chosen time frame, thus the displacement of a body, the change in the body's location, so velocity will look like this v=dx/dt
Where: v=velocity, x=displacement , t=time
Now that we got this cleared up I can continue
Newton found that the force needed to change a body's velocity is defined as the derivative of it's momentum, thus force is defined as the change in momentum through time, mathematically it looks like follows: F = dp/dt which means, how much momentum a body will gain or lose in a chosen time frame.
Any quantity that changes in time, is dependent on time and thus can be derived through time, in many cases the mass is constant through time, and in such cases their derivative in time will be zero because they don't change in time - they are constant, in such cases where the mass is constant through time only the velocity part of the momentum will be derived through time, and thus the force will appear as follows:
F = dp/dt = m(dv/dt) = ma
where a stand for acceleration, and is defined by the derivative of velocity in time, which in essence means that acceleration reflects how much will the object's velocity increase or decrease in a chosen time frame. All this brings us to the formulation of the second law of motion as most are familiar with: F=ma
A force acting on a body will cause it to accelerate depending on it's mass, where the more mass a body has the more force must be emitted to reach the same acceleration.
One can see that this law goes along with Newton's first law, where there is no acceleration taking place the net force will be zero, and when the net force exerted on a body is zero the body will not accelerate, remain in it's constant velocity, as indicate the principle of inertia
it's easy to relate to this point when driving a car, I'm sure you've noticed that if you are at a stop light next to a big heavy truck when the light will turn green you will accelerate much faster, this is not because you have a more powerful engine, it's because the mass of your car in relation to the truck is less - so one must realize that the mass of an object will influence it's ability to accelerate, and thus how much force will be needed to reach a specific acceleration - the larger the mass of an object, the harder it will be for it to accelerate, but we know this already based on the principle of inertia.
So, how does Newton's second law of physics relate to the Desteni Process?
Newton law states that a force emitted on an object with a mass will cause it to accelerate - I have to go back to the third law of physics, and insist on the misunderstanding and misleading perspective within interpreting the situation as such where the mass is passive and the force emitted upon it is the cause and source of it's acceleration, I insist because the mass could equally be seen as the source of movement due to it's participation and exertion of forces as we've seen within Newton's third law - consider the simple fact that the mass is the one that is moving, acting and interacting.
The idea that mass is a passive object creates a paradox that can be solved either through the acceptance of a god almighty or some other external mystery force that is the sole director of this reality, or by accepting the idea that the mass is it's own directive principle and that everything in reality is self responsible and if all that exists would realize self as self responsible, within self honesty, it would not believe itself to be submitted to forces, but would direct the forces that it is participating within anyway, yet at the moment not aware of it and thus not existing as the directive principle of it's own forces of which it is participating with in every interaction.
If we insist to believe that mass is passive, because it sounds "too crazy" to believe mass has any responsibility, then we must ask ourselves: is the force that is emitted on the mass, is it responsible? But it is also just another mass so it can't be responsible and is only reacting to other external forces… which if I continue this line of logic the external force would have to be passive as well, so we can go on and on and will never find the source of the motion, the source of the force, because everything is seen as subject to external forces - continuing with line of logic we would come to the conclusion that everything is passively reacting to forces emitted upon it which are passive to other forces, so who or what is directing reality as we see there is a sense of law and order.
Some people may believe that humans are the only beings with awareness and thus the ability to direct - but that would make us into the only self directed force, and that doesn't make sense because everything existed way before humanity did.
As far as I see it there are three options, 1) there is a god that is directing everything, and making us do the scientific experiments that we do, and is in fact the directive principle and the sole responsible for all that is here - I see this as a great way to bale out of taking responsibility, or 2) only humans have awareness and thus the ability to direct, that would contradict the fact that everything existed before humanity, and would also raise the obvious question of if this is true, then why is humanity only destroying everything around it like a living cancer in a body it doesn't realize it is killing, or 3) everything has awareness, equally, but we have all abdicated our responsibility of ourselves and of reality as existence as a whole, thus we must self realize, we must find ourselves within ourselves within the physical as the physical - this is in essence the Desteni Process, a process of self empowerment so that we can be more than who we have accepted ourselves to be as enslaved to mysterious forces that are directing us, but rather investigate ourselves within the starting point of self honesty and realize that we are ourselves, and thus can realize ourselves as who we are, what we do, why we do it, so that within realizing this, we can become self aware and equalize ourselves to the forces that are as of yet exerted on us, and direct them as our own force, then all in existence can do the same equally, because we are all connected within the interactions that we exist in.
The fact that everyone is passively accepting the forces emitted upon them is true but notice the words I used, passively accepting the forces - not passive to the forces. This indicates an ability of choice, a choice that might be denied and overlooked, but still exists. So we are allowing forces to direct us as implied by the second law of motions, but we must ask ourselves and investigate within self honesty if we have the ability to change within ourselves, and reconnect to our inner force which is the realization that we are equal to and one with everything that is here and thus not inherently submitted to any force, but have a choice, because we, as humanity, as mass, as substance, can in fact become the directive principle, we just haven't realized it yet.
So, now, back to the second law of motion, and lets see if we can interpret it in a way that supports us to understand the reality in which we live in and the forces at hand and how we can impact and effect ourselves and reality.
Looking at the equation F=ma from the perspective of a mass, it is no longer seen as if the force is emitted on the mass and causing the acceleration, but utilizing Newton's third law of motion, we can look at it as the mass is responsible for the force it is emitting and thus is putting itself into action, accelerating itself through application, and through that accumulates force which it emits through interactions to what or whom it is interacting with.
We can look at the mass as the substance of "who I am" as all the accumulated knowledge I have about myself and my perspective of reality, thus the property of the mass, as the knowledge it exists as can be within a starting point of the mind, and thus the "who I am" will be self interest, in such a situation, the inner force of the mass as the mass will cause it to accelerate and within the starting point of the substance of the mass as self interest, and thus will emit force of the same starting point, on the other hand, the mass can be of substance as knowledge that supports life, that recognize the natural forces in play and is aligned with all that is here as the physical, in this case the mass will accelerate itself through applying itself within the starting point of that which is best for all, within the realization that that is in fact the highest interest of self, as self is one with all that is here, and thus the force emitted by the mass would be of the same starting point, and that will reflect in all interactions, whether the interactions will be based on self interest and create friction, conflict and suffering for the mass itself as well as to others, or on the principle of equality as what is based for all - is all dependent on the property of the mass - thus, we as humanity, as individuals, have to make the decision to take self responsibility and change ourselves as the mass of knowledge that we exist in, to apply ourselves from the new starting of the self changed mass, and thus to emit a force of the same starting point firstly onto ourselves as we empower ourselves, and secondly around us as we influence and impact the world through our interaction - the choice is ours, are our interactions going to be based on the old version of ourselves, as self interest.
Within the Desteni Process we are provided with tools as writing and self forgiveness to support ourselves in the process of self change, from a mass that is not responsible for the force it emits, into a mass that take self responsibility and change oneself to be able to trust that the force we are participating within is supporting us as life, and all life as we are all one.
We must realize that at the moment it's true, we are forced by the forces around us, we are not self directive, so from this perspective we need a push to get ourselves started, this is the beauty of the Desteni Process as we are all walking our process in writing, not just for ourselves as self support, but this is how we emit force through interactions, and thus you, that are reading our blogs and hearing the Desteni Message, within the interaction, are experiencing it as a force emitted upon you, and it gives you a chance to self explore and self realize.
Let me brake this down on an individual level, the mass is who I am, as the mass of knowledge I exist as, and the property of the mass will indicate if I am holding on to knowledge that is aligned to the natural forces and thus of support of myself as life within the principle of what is best for all life, or is it not aligned with the natural forces, as not existing in equilibrium with the physical reality, as causing friction and conflict through self interest - the mass that I am, the property of myself, that which I exist as, will dictate how I put myself into action which is the property of acceleration, in the Desteni Process, the acceleration will be done within writing and applying self forgiveness as the application of the mass of knowledge as who I am, these properties together will determine the force I emit into and on reality, thus, if the mass as who I am is aligned with the natural forces as equality or if the mass as who I am is aligned with the mind as illation as not existing within the realm of the natural forces of reality, either way, the force I will emit will be an outflow of the starting point of myself as who I am as the mass of knowledge I exist as. Thus, the force I emit within the interactions I exist as reflect me as who I am, whether I'm aware of it or not. Better become aware and take self responsibility - don't you think?
Within the Desteni Process one realize what is natural force, the force of nature, of the physical, this is the reason I am walking this blog series, to bring the two points together within showing that physics supports the Desteni Message due to the simple fact that the Desteni Message is aligned with the physical, within realizing that nature, the physical, substance, all follow the laws of nature and are thus constricted to natural forces, thus, anything that contradicts the natural forces is causing friction and consequences. So our goal is to align ourselves with nature, with the forces of nature, with the physical, to realize that we are not observers but actual equal and one participants in this existence, in this ball of dust. We all are made from the same substance, we are all primarily physical, and only through the perception of the mind we believe ourselves to be separate from all that is here. An interesting point to consider is that we are mass, yet we have awareness, perhaps all mass has awareness as that would explain why the mass is in fact responsible for all the forces it is emitting and participating in, while physics has always seen it as a passive object and thus has considered only the forces acting upon it. In this series of blogs, the starting point is different, I can't say I know for a fact that all mass / substance is in fact aware, but I sure as hell can't say for a fact that it isn't, thus I will continue with following the physics to where it takes me, within allowing myself to investigate all that is here and keep that which is good, that which will be of most support for humanity to better ourselves to bring about a reality through applying ourselves in awareness to create a force that is aligned with the force of nature that will support nature and all life as a whole.

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Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 3 - Physics and the Desteni Process - Newton's Third Law of Motion - Equal Force

This blog is a part of a blog series “physics and the Desteni Process”
Day 1 - Physics and the Desteni Process - Introduction
Day 2 - Physics and the Desteni Process – Newton's First Law of Motion - the Principle of Inertia
Newton's AppleIn my previous blog I discussed Newton's first law of motion, also known as the principle of inertia, showing how all things resist change, within this we've seen that the property that determine how much resistance an object will have is their "inertial mass" as the mass of the object, within the Desteni Process of self change, the "inertial mass" that will resist our self change is energy, as in how much energy / attention we give to our mind components as patterns / thoughts / beliefs, how much we are emotionally invested in our self beliefs and self definitions, how much value we give an idea / opinion - where the more "inertial mass", the more energy a pattern has, the more resistance it will have towards change. Newton's first law of motions tells us that without a force acting upon an object, the object will simply continue as it was - the same goes for us, without any force "pushing" us to change - we will not change, we will remain in our comfort zone, where the more energy, as "inertial mass", we have invested in a point/pattern/thought/idea, the more uncomfortable it will feel to move out of it.
In this blog I will discuss the concept of force
In physics, a Force is any influence that causes an object to undergo a certain change, it is done within the context of interactions, whenever objects interact they exert forces upon each other, thus an interaction is a relationship between forces. Our reality works within relationships, everything that we can see, describe or experience is created through relationships, and each relationship is connected by the forces involved within the interaction.
For a moment I will skip over Newton's second law of motions and start with the third law because there is an interesting point within it that has been overlooked, I'll clear this point up now, and then in future blogs will be able to reference back to it if necessary.
Newton's third law is a law of interaction and equality, it is presented as such:
FAB = the force object A is exerting on object B
FBA = the force object B is exerting on object A
What this simple equation means is that within the interaction of any two object, the force exerted by object A upon object B, is equal and opposite in direction (hence the minus sign in the equation) to the force that object B is simultaneously exerting on object A. the law is described as follows:
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
What this means is, for example, when you are pushing against a wall, the wall is actually pushing you back in an equal force and in an opposite direction, and it makes sense because if there was nothing pushing you back, you would fall through the wall. When you are sitting on an uncomfortable chair, and feel like the chair is pushing you on a specific point, you are actually pushing that point against the chair.
We experience force being exerted upon us within a point of blame and self victimization, as if we are forced by the force, when actually, within looking at it self honestly, it really only shows us that we are exerting force onto it, this is a law that allows us to see our acceptances and participations, because, have a look, if I am in an uncomfortable position, where I am not enjoying the interaction, that would mean that I am participating and exerting force that is a key ingredient in the creation and stability of the uncomfortable situation as only through my participation within this equal and opposite force, can the other force which I blame, exist - thus my uncomfortablility from a perceptive of taking self responsibility is actually only due to my participation within the interaction, and not the responsibility of anything or anyone else in the equation.
What I find odd and unacceptable about the definition of this law is within the words "action" and "reaction", because it implies cause and effect, while in fact the two forces are being exerted simultaneously, thus it's only a matter of perception and interpretation to come to the conclusion that the one force is causing the activation of the other - the common accepted belief derived from the specific wording of Newton's third law definition is that the one is initially pushing the wall and only as a reaction the wall is pushing back - but in actuality it cannot be so, because it is happening simultaneously, there would be no physical and valid reason to assume that the one force is the "action" and the other is the "reaction" and not the other way around, yet the use of words within the definition indicates inequality, which is in complete contradiction to the basic equation, that actually implies equality. So, from my perspective, the greatness of this law has been overlooked and wrongly interpreted.
Despite this insight within FAB = - FBA which implies equality within each and every interaction, it has been agreed upon in the physics community that all calculations are done in respect to the forces acting on the body, and not in respect to the equal and opposite forces that the body is participating in - mathematically this wouldn't change a thing, it is merely a reflection of the point of view that the physics community is representing, as the scientific community is as well trapped in their own minds, not seeing the forces that are in play, not realizing the forces they are participating with and supporting, as the mind system, through their wrongly interpretations. It might seem like a random decision to some, but really it isn't random at all, it is very specific, because we can clearly see that it goes in alignment with the mind consciousness system, where as the mind we exist within blame, we believe things are happening to us, because we have never considered taking responsibility and realizing that we are the source of all our experiences, and here physics is another layer of justification as it has been aligned with the mind's perspective, as looking at an object and analyzing what is happening to it, while not considering looking at the same exact forces that the object is emitting back and thus is responsible for, equally.
So here, science, within the interpretation of physics, has given us the wrong example, as it has been agreed upon in the scientific community that the forces in discussion are the ones being emitted upon a body and not the forces the body is emitting and thus responsible for - this perspective reflects us as victims to circumstances, instead of realizing the self empowerment within taking responsibility for ourselves within realizing that we are participating and thus are the source of all our interactions, and within this realization learn/investigate ourselves, to recognize how/why we have allowed ourselves to be directed by forces, why we have accepted ourselves as less than them, and direct ourselves to change, within a starting point of equality to and as ourselves, to and as the force within us, to and as reality and the physical as a whole of which we are one with and equal to, and within doing so, take responsibility and direct our force to support ourselves as life and all life as one - all this has been hidden from us, through the "random" interpretation of Newton's third law of motion.
Unfortunately, the implications of this law, within the current understanding is one of abdicating self responsibility instead of realizing the self empowerment that exists within this law, within realizing that we are actively participating within every interaction and relationship, yet we believe ourselves to be less than, within the belief that things are being done to us, and are being forced upon us, not realizing that we are allowing every force that is being placed upon us through our acceptance and allowance within and as the interaction, as Newton's third law states for every force exerted onto us we are exerting an equal force, and thus are equal participants in the interaction. Which is actually great news because it means that we can takes self responsibility and direct ourselves within our participation, and thus direct our force to support ourselves as life, and not be directed by the force of the mind - This means we are powerful, we have always had the force within us, as us, within every interaction, but we have never before learnt how to use it, we have not realized ourselves as equal to it - we must realize that all that we need is to change our starting point of how we allow ourselves to exist as, from a starting point of inferiority within believing the things are being done to us, to a starting point of equality within realizing that all that is here is interacting through equal and mutual relationships, and thus we are responsible for our participation, and thus we can direct ourselves and our force within us in support of ourselves as life.
We must realize that within every interaction there is an acceptance of both participants in the interaction and thus both are equally responsible and are exerting equal force towards one another, thus, our ability to direct ourselves and the force within us, and thus the interactions we participate within, our ability to make a directive decision whether or not to participate in an interaction, or to direct it in awareness as a practical solution - are interesting points to consider - it can be seen nicely in Kong Fu (I've seen this in movies) where the Kong Fu master won't participate in the exchange of forces, he won't fight back, but rather "use the opponent's force against him" what he is actually doing is simply not participating in the exchange of forces the opponent was attempting to direct, but rather is directing the situation, one can say he is creating a new equation as a practical solution instead of participating within and enhancing the problem, he is directing a new result of the situation. From this perspective we must realize our responsibility of our interaction and forces around us and thus recognize our participation with our own forces, because in each interaction we can either be directed by the force as less than the force, as being forced to do something by a perceived external force, or we can change our starting point within it all and realize ourselves as equal to the force within us, that we have been participating in without being aware, and thus, within changing our starting point, change ourselves as a point of responsibility and support of life.
We are all directed by the forces exerted at us, the forces within us direct us as thoughts, feeling and motions that we follow blindly within existing as less than, we are directed by the system of the world as money as we are forced to work for our living, we are forced by our physical form and limited in our motions and abilities - many forces are exerted at us - through the support of Desteni Process, what we must do is to equalize ourselves to and as these forces, because, the third law of motions shows us that for each force exerted upon us, we are exerting an equal and opposite force, so we must now take responsibility for our force which we have been denying as ourselves, we must realize that we are in fact actively participating with everything in existence yet we are not the directive principle, as we are allowing ourselves to follow thoughts, feelings, emotions which are energy, that in itself is derived from the physical, thus we are allowing ourselves to exist as less than the thoughts which are directing us, less the emotions and feelings that are directing us, less than energy and less than the physical as a whole - as long as we exist as less, we are still participating but without directive principle, so we are forced by the force, we are thus not self responsible as we haven't taken on a point of responsibility as equals, we must empower ourselves and learn to direct the force within us that we are actually participating within already, and so use our force in support of life, and so take responsibility that all force will be directed as support of life
Once we realize this point, and within walking the desteni process, we start taking responsibility and our range of responsibility grows, we first take responsibility for ourselves within making sure that our participation is of support of ourselves as life, within the principle of do as you would like to receive, then we can start considering those around us within realizing that even though they are responsible for all the forces they participate in, they are yet to be aware of it, or in other cases, they are restricted to a situation where they have to participate in a specific way based on fear of survival due to the situation of this abusive system in which we exist within, because at the moment the system in which we exist within, which we created and continue creating through our participation, is driven by the forces of the mind, and as such is not aligned with supporting all as life, thus, as long as we exist in such a system the forces around us are many and the task to take responsibility is greater due to having more obstacles on the way, thus if we are in a position that allows us to hear this message, and to act on it, to take self responsibility, to direct ourselves within self honesty as what is best for all - if we have the ability to do so, then we have a responsibility to support others to do so as well.
Within this it's important for me to emphasize that this isn't in no way about blaming those that are in bad situations through justifying it within the principle that they are participating and responsible for everything in their experience, because consider that I have made this point very simplified as looking at the most simplistic case of interaction between two objects alone, when in fact all and every thing in this reality interact with everything simultaneously, thus in every moment you are interacting with every other particle in existence and thus are equally responsible for the condition of our existence and every being within it, because you are exerting force that allows the stability of this existence to exist and within it the stability of the current system that doesn’t support all life- so one must be self honest and not go into a point of isolation within the idea that everyone is responsible solely for themselves - no, we are all equally responsible for everything, but we start with self and then expand, so each of us, in time, and as process unfolds, will have to take responsibility for all those that are not yet in a position to take responsibility for themselves due to the system we exist within. We must realize that the system is the way it is due to each of our acceptance and our accumulated force put into holding it together, and thus we must direct our force to be in the best interest of all life.
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